Mhotel Kigali

Welcome to M Hotel

Where Luxury Meets Serenity

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Our Hotel has been present for over Several years.

Our objective at Romancy is to bring together our visitor’s societies and spirits with our own, communicating enthusiasm and liberality in the food we share. Official Chef and Owner Philippe Massoud superbly creates a blend of Lebanese, Levantine, Mediterranean motivated food blended in with New York mentality. Delightful herbs and flavors consolidate surfaces to pacify wide based palates.



Hotel Facilities

Exclusive Event and Meeting Spaces

Swimming pool tincidunt nise ace park norttito sit space, mus nellentesque habitant.

Fibre Internet

Wifi tincidunt nis ace park norttito sit amet space, mus nellentesque habitant.


Eat tincidunt nisa ace park norttito sitamet space, mus nellentesque habitant

Pick Up & Drop

We’ll pick up from airport while you comfy on your ride, mus nellentesque habitant.

Parking Space

Fusce tincidunt nis ace park norttitosit amet space, mus nellentesquehabitant.

Room Service

Room tincidunt nis ace park norttitosit amet space, mus nellentesquehabitant.


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